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MaxDiff Analyzer  最大差異衡量分析軟體

MaxDiff 分析儀是一個可選的分析程式,您登錄到您的 web 瀏覽器通過。每個登錄允許您上傳和使用最多 10 個單獨的 MaxDiff 專案。你必須上載的分數你估計得與您的 MaxDiff/Web 系統,或通過 CBC/HB MaxDiff 分析器不會從原始資料生成這些分數。

MaxDiff Analyzer
The MaxDiff Analyzer is an optional analysis program that you log into through your web browser. Each login allows you to upload and use up to 10 separate MaxDiff projects. You must upload scores you've estimated with your MaxDiff/Web system, or via CBC/HB, as the MaxDiff Analyzer does not generate these scores from raw data.

Automatic rescaling options (e.g. probability, 0-100 scale), with 95% confidence intervals
Choice simulation capabilities
TURF analysis for bundle optimization
Segmentation and weighting

The price for the MaxDiff Analyzer service is $400 per year (allowing one username/password combination to access up to 10 projects). Payment must be made upfront. A maximum of a full year of service may be purchased at this time.

TURF Analysis
TURF stands for "total unduplicated reach and frequency." It is an optimization approach for finding a subset of items that "reach" the maximum number of respondents possible. For example, the classic problem is one of choosing which flavors of ice cream to stock in the freezer at a grocery store. The grocer may decide that he/she has limited space and can only include up to 8 flavors of ice cream (out of 30 possible flavors). The grocer wants to maximize the chance that shoppers will find a flavor that they like well enough to buy in the freezer (where "like well enough to buy" means that the preference score exceeds some threshold). If the respondent encounters a flavor he/she likes in the freezer, the respondent is counted as "reached." The problem isn't as simple as including the eight most preferred flavors on average across the sample. Niche flavors that appeal to segments of the population (and that can increase total reach) would be overlooked.

For the ice cream example outlined above, the TURF procedure examines all possible subsets of 8 flavors of ice cream (out of 30 total flavors), and for each set counts how many respondents are "reached." The top sets of 8 flavors that maximize "reach" are listed in the output with the percent of respondents reached shown next to each.

The MaxDiff Analyzer provides three different options for assessing "reach" in TURF:

First Choice: The item must be the respondent's top-scoring item to "reach" the respondent.

Threshold: the analyst supplies a value, indicating a threshold above which a respondent is counted as "reached." If any of the items in the set exceed the supplied threshold, the respondent is considered "reached."

Weighted by Probability: this method assesses the quality of each subset of items by setting its "reach" equal to the maximum "probability of choice" for any of the items in the subset (according to the logit rule). Intuitively, we are finding sets of items that maximize the likelihood that respondents will choose at least one of the items within the set.

The TURF program allows the researcher to specify that certain combinations of features are prohibited from occurring within a set. You can also force certain items to be included in sets.

If the TURF problem becomes too large to search in the tradional way (exhaustive search) the software defaults to a very effective and rapid shortcut heuristic called Stepwise TURF + Swaps.


Our Flagship Platform and General Interviewing Tool
SSI Web - Our flagship platform that includes a variety of components for general interviewing (CiW), conjoint analysis (ACBC, CBC, ACA, and CVA) and MaxDiff.
Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) Related Products
ACBC - Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint -
CBC - Choice-Based Conjoint
CBC Advanced Design Module
CBC/HB - Hierarchical Bayes estimation for CBC.
CBC Latent Class Module - Latent Class estimation for CBC.
MBC - Menu-Based Choice
Ratings-Based Conjoint Products
ACA - Adaptive Conjoint Analysis
ACA/HB - Hierarchical Bayes estimation for ACA.
CVA - Conjoint Value Analysis
CVA/HB - Hierarchical Bayes estimation for CVA.
Market Simulation Tools
Online Simulator
ASM - Advanced Simulation Module
CCS - Client Conjoint Simulator
Maximum Difference Scaling (MaxDiff)
MaxDiff - Maximum Difference Scaling
MaxDiff Analyzer - Maximum Difference Analyzer
Other Analytical Tools
CCEA - Convergent Cluster & Ensemble Analysis.
HB-Reg - Hierarchical Bayes estimation for general regression-based modeling.






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