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CBC Advanced Design Module   CBC 系統設計模組軟體


Advanced Design Module for the CBC System
Up to 250 attributes
Up to 250 levels per attribute (text and/or graphics)*
Up to 100 product concepts per screen*
Supports alternative-specific designs
Supports partial-profile designs*
Supports shelf-presentation display*
* These features only apply to SSI Web. SMRT is limited to 15 levels per attribute and 16 concepts per question when designing studies, and 100 levels when running market simulations.

In traditional CBC, each product concept is composed of one level from every attribute in the study. Sometimes CBC projects do not fit this model and require a different approach. The CBC Advanced Design Module provides more flexibility with "Alternative-Specific" and "Partial-Profile" designs.

The Advanced Design Module also lets you conduct partial-profile experiments. Partial-profile designs let you study more attributes than is generally considered prudent with full-profile designs. They avoid potential information overload by asking respondents to consider only a subset of the attributes at a time.

Both of these design strategies can lead to attribute lists exceeding the limitations of the 10-attribute base CBC system. For that reason, the Advanced Design Module permits up to 250 total attributes.

For advanced packaged goods and beverage research, we've provided additional features within CBC/Web's Advanced Design Module. Under the SSI Web (CBC/Web + Advanced Design Module) platform, it can include up to 250 levels per attribute, can display up to 100 product concepts within a choice task, and offers a realistic "shelf display (see CBC, image 4)" view that mimics the look of a store shelf.

Having an increased limit on the levels per attribute allows researchers to more properly specify complex designs involving brands, packages and customized prices for each brand/package combination.

The Advanced Design Module is available within the Web-based SSI Web CBC systems, as well as within the PC-based SMRT system (with lesser capabilities).

Our Flagship Platform and General Interviewing Tool
SSI Web - Our flagship platform that includes a variety of components for general interviewing (CiW), conjoint analysis (ACBC, CBC, ACA, and CVA) and MaxDiff.
Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) Related Products
ACBC - Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint -
CBC - Choice-Based Conjoint
CBC Advanced Design Module
CBC/HB - Hierarchical Bayes estimation for CBC.
CBC Latent Class Module - Latent Class estimation for CBC.
MBC - Menu-Based Choice
Ratings-Based Conjoint Products
ACA - Adaptive Conjoint Analysis
ACA/HB - Hierarchical Bayes estimation for ACA.
CVA - Conjoint Value Analysis
CVA/HB - Hierarchical Bayes estimation for CVA.
Market Simulation Tools
Online Simulator
ASM - Advanced Simulation Module
CCS - Client Conjoint Simulator
Maximum Difference Scaling (MaxDiff)
MaxDiff - Maximum Difference Scaling
MaxDiff Analyzer - Maximum Difference Analyzer
Other Analytical Tools
CCEA - Convergent Cluster & Ensemble Analysis.
HB-Reg - Hierarchical Bayes estimation for general regression-based modeling.





CBC Advanced Design Module 軟體資料
CBC Advanced Design Module 軟體報價

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