

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

7. See5/C5.0  資料探勘軟體
8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

10. Grapher 3D科學繪圖軟體



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AI Trilogy    類神經網路發展系統

AI 三部曲包含的NeuroShell Predictor和NeuroShell Classifier neural net software和GeneHunter(GA) 軟體一起作為一個包。若要確保您可以解決一些令人興奮的組合專案問題一樣,AI 三部曲,我們有也會引發中要去的Predictor 與 Classifier的NeuroShell Runtime Server 。


NeuroShell 預測包含先進的演算法,列車非常快速,使您能夠有效地解決預測、 預測和估計的問題在最少的時間,而不需要通過調整網路參數的繁瑣過程。本產品設計為非常便於使用,包含我們最強大的網路。讀取和寫入文字檔中,以便與許多其他程式的相容性。

The AI Trilogy contains the NeuroShell Predictor and NeuroShell Classifier neural net software, and GeneHunter genetic algorithm (GA) software together as one package.To make sure you can solve some exciting combination projects like the AI Trilogy problem, we have also thrown in the NeuroShell Runtime Server to go with the Predictor and Classifier.


So what is the AI Trilogy problem?
Maybe you or someone in your company can relate to the following problem. Your company is formulating some mixture: maybe a drug, a bonding compound, an animal feed, foodstuff or beverage, plastic or other packaging material, cosmetic or perfume, lubricating compound, cleaning compound or solvent, paint, insecticide or herbicide, a manufactured item or process, or even problems such as marketing strategies. Your boss or your client has given you the job of finding the optimum mixture of components or process variables, the combination of components and processing methods that produces the best product (components are the percentages of each of the elements of the mixture and the process variables are factors in the building process such as temperature, curing time, etc.).

Sound familiar? You don’t even know how the various factors interrelate, much less how to discover the best ones. What do you do? We call this problem the "AI Trilogy" problem, and we believe it is becoming a very common problem in industry today! Fortunately it is quite easy and inexpensive to solve if you have the right tools and the "know how", both of which we provide.

So how does the AI Trilogy help you solve the AI Trilogy problem? There are two steps you need to accomplish:

1. Model the process with the neural nets so that the interrelationships between the components and process variables are in the model.

2. Use the model with GeneHunter to find those special combinations (among the vast number possible) that produce the kind of product your boss or clients want.

The AI Trilogy is packaged with documentation and examples on solving the AI Trilogy Problem. The three major components - NeuroShell Predictor, NeuroShell Classifier, and GeneHunter - are all installed with the Trilogy examples and help file on your computer, along with the Runtime Server. The components of the AI Trilogy are still separate products, and may be used independently.


Ward Systems Group, Inc.公司產品

AI Trilogy


NeuroShell Predictor

NeuroShell Classifier

NeuroShell Run-Time Server

NeuroShell 2

NeuroShell Trader, Trader Professional, and DayTrader Professional

NeuroShell Engine





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