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Analytic SolverR Data Mining (XLMiner)       資料探勘軟體

Excel 為 windows XLMiner 是唯一的綜合資料採礦中添加的 excel,與神經網路、 分類迴歸樹、 回歸、 線性回歸、 貝葉斯分類器、 K-近鄰、 判別分析、 關聯規則、 聚類、 主要元件和更多。

XLMINER資料探勘提供你需要的一切,品嚐來自許多來源的數據 -的PowerPivot,微軟/ IBM / Oracle的數據庫或電子表格,探索和可視化你的數據與多個鏈接圖表; 預處理和'乾淨'的數據,適合數據挖掘模型,並評估你的模型的預測能力。

XLMiner for Excel for Windows is the only comprehensive data mining add-in for Excel, with neural nets, classification and regression trees, logistic regression, linear regression, Bayes classifier, K-nearest neighbors, discriminant analysis, association rules, clustering, principal components, and more.


XLMiner provides everything you need to sample data from many sources -- PowerPivot, Microsoft/IBM/Oracle databases, or spreadsheets; explore and visualize your data with multiple linked charts; preprocess and 'clean' your data, fit data mining models, and evaluate your models' predictive power.

Advanced Data Mining, The Ease of Excel, and Competitive Pricing

Comprehensive set of data preparation features to import and clean your data including:
Sample data from virtually any database, including Microsoft's PowerPivot in-memory database handling 100 million rows or more
Clean your data with a comprehensive set of data handling utilities including categorizing data and handling missing values
Partition your data into training, validation, and test datasets

Powerful tools for analysis and prediction including:
Use visualization aids from simple bar, line and histogram charts to multiple linked charts, one-click changes to axes, colors and panels, zooming, brushing and more
Use a range of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques for continuous and categorical data
Use both classical methods like MLR and logistic regression, and data mining methods like CART and neural networks, and compare their predictive power

Built in time series analysis tools including:
Analyze time series data using ACF/PACF plots and smoothing techniques
Fit a range of models including exponential smoothing, ARIMA, and standard and seasonal models
Easily use each model to forecast future values

Version 12.5 Now Available for Excel 2007 / 2010 / 2013

In summary, XLMiner now includes:
Powerful data exploration and visualization features, in additional to its data preparation, data mining, and time series forecasting methods.
Support for Microsoft's PowerPivot add-in, which handles 'Big Data' and integrates multiple, disparate data sources into one in-memory database inside Excel.
Support for Excel 2013, and the new PowerPivot add-in that ships with the new Excel.

Find Out Which Version is Right for You
XLMiner Professional edition is designed for practitioners and researchers who deal with large datasets.
XLMiner Educational edition, with special size limits on datasets and algorithms, is available only for instructional use (faculty and students).



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