

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

7. See5/C5.0  資料探勘軟體
8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

10. Grapher 3D科學繪圖軟體



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Strater   鑽井探勘繪圖軟體

Strater 將您的原始資料顯示為鑽孔和測井,地圖和截面。Strater 提供無與倫比的靈活性,在設計和佈局。Strater 的直覺的點擊式使用者介面輕鬆快速視覺化地下資料並創建專業報告。

Strater displays your raw data as borehole and well logs, maps and cross sections. Strater offers unsurpassed flexibility in design and layout. Strater’s intuitive point-and-click user interface makes it easy to quickly visualize your subsurface data and create professional reports.


Strater is a powerful and innovative well log, borehole and cross section plotting software package for geoscientists. With its modern and easy-to-use user interface, Strater is so straightforward even a beginner can create high-quality professional representations of subsurface data in no time.

Strater is compatible with all popular data formats, and can graphically display the data in fourteen fully customizable log types. Maps and cross sections are just a click away. All aspects of your design are easily changeable by simply clicking on it and updating its properties. Batch print or export all your hole data, and save your project file to a template to make log creation efficient and consistent for future projects.


What's New in Strater 4?
Strater 4 takes well log, borehole and cross section plotting to a new level in ease of use. Strater users will experience major improvements in every aspect of functionality to increase log production speed and quality. The major additions and changes are highlighted in this section.

Display deviated boreholes as inclined logs in the cross section view
Display the logs in the cross section as inclined according to their deviation data!

Show deviation paths of wells in the map view
In most industries vertical boreholes are the stuff of legends. Strater 4 recognizes this and allows you to show the true path of your borehole in the map view.

Show the true deviation path of your boreholes on the map view.

Set and change coordinate system in the map view
It’s never been easier to add combine data from a multitude of sources to create the most informative maps possible. Now that Strater supports Golden Software’s full coordinate system library, you can mix and match data from different coordinate systems, giving you tremendous flexibility and times savings when creating your maps and displaying cross sections in the desired units!

Create cross sections from line logs
Don’t have lithology data for your boreholes? Not to worry! Strater 4 allows you to create a cross section from line logs. Add or import layer marks to indicate the layer picks, and then specify if they are the tops or bottoms of the layer.

Create cross section layers manually
If you’re not happy with the default cross section layers that Strater creates for you, delete them and easily and quickly create your own layers! Customize your cross sections using your years of experience to guide you.

With a few simple clicks you can create manual cross section layers that reflect what you know to be true about the subsurface.

Export data to Voxler using new commands
Compatibility with Voxler is now even better! Utilize the stunning 3D visualization of Voxler to show your well paths and volumes.

Show the header and footer only on specified pages
Pick your pages: only show the header or footer on the first page, last page, or on all pages in the view or when you print.

Draw unconformity lines to show an unconformable contact
Draw an unconformity between different lithologies in any view! You have complete control over the amplitude and wavelength of the waves.

Draw unconformable contacts between lithologies in your borehole (left) or cross section (right) view.


Add a horizontal scale bar to a cross section
Add horizontal scale bars to your cross section, and change the display units!

Templates are easier to use!
Open a template and import the data for all tables immediately! When you click OK, the log is exactly what you need without spending extra time importing data into all the individual data tables.

Change the units in the cross section well header or the scale bar!
You have full control over the units displayed in the well header and scale bar in the cross section view. As long as the map has units defined, you can convert the units (even lat/long!) to any other units such as meters, feet, miles or kilometers to display on the cross section.

Set the Spacing of Multiple Objects
Do you want all your logs exactly next to each other? The space objects commands now work on more than 2 objects at a time!

Set the Spacing Between Objects
Set all your logs exactly the same width apart! No more painstaking math to calculate the position of each log, or inaccurate eyeball spacing!

Wrap Linked Text to Multiple Lines
Specify the width of a linked text object, and any text that exceeds that length is wrapped to the next line!

Replicate Your Borehole View
Creating an exact copy of a borehole view in your project is easy with the new view-only template! Previously, you could only save as a full template, complete with data tables and all views in the project. If you only wanted one view, you would need to delete all the extra information after the template was loaded. Now you can save only a single borehole view as a view-only template; no data tables, no extra views. Just save the view to the view template, open the view template, assign the existing data (or choose to import new data), and the copy is created!

Save a single borehole view to a view-only template file! No data tables,no extra views; just the information you need.

Specify Inclination or Dip for Hole Angle
Specify the angle of the hole as either inclination or dip! Previously, you could only use inclination. Don’t modify your data to work with Strater, choose to let Strater handle your data as it is!

Additional Usability Enhancements
Set the Reference Datum in the borehole view to hang the view on mean sea level or a marker bed.
Format numeric text labels in complex text logs, zone bar logs, bar logs.
Group objects and logs together in the log pane.
Depth logs and scale bars can update the minimum and maximum values automatically, but you get to choose the interval of the major ticks.
Create text logs from depth data tables and the text is located at the depth specified.
View the XY units of a map in the status bar when you move the cursor over the map.
Open multiple data files into new data tables at once.
Import multiple data files into an existing data table at once.
Apply a mathematical function on the data in the data tables.
Format numeric linked text objects.
Set the width for all objects at once.
Import formats added:
    JPEG2000 format
    PDF and GeoPDF
Export formats added:
    PNG/GIF with transparency
    All data tables to a multi-sheet XLSX format

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