8.0 可呼叫的求解引擎(Callable Solver Engine) 使用LINDO API可以建立求最佳解的應用程式。LINDO API允許你將強大的線性、整數或非線性求解引擎掛入你已寫好的應用程式中。 ■ 迅速、容易的應用程式開發 LINDO API 可以使你容易地將最佳化的功能整合到你自己開發的應用程式中。LINDO API 附有完整的文件和範例幫助您迅速上手。 ■ 強大的求解引擎 LINDO API 提供的強大求解引擎包括針對線性、非線性 (convex和nonconvex),二次和整數的最佳化。 ■ 完整的求解程序 LINDO API 提供了你需要的彈性和功能,不管你的應用程式是大或小,簡單或複雜。它包含了數十個程序(routine) 來公式化、求解、查詢和修改你的問題。 ■ 廣泛的文件和HELP功能 LINDO API 提供的所有工具和文件可使你迅速入門和上手。LINDO API 使用者手冊有詳細的功能定義。 ■ 分析不可實行和無邊際模型(Infeasible and Unbounded Models) LINDO API 內含工具可以找出導致模型無合理解或無邊際模型的原因。 ■ 建立網際網路和企業內部網路的應用程式 LINDO API 允許你建立網際網路和企業內部網路的應用程式可同時供多人使用。
With the LINDO API, you can easily create your
own optimization applications. It allows you to plug the power of
the LINDO solvers right into customized applications and
mathematical programs that you have written.
Key Benefits of the LINDO API:
Easy Application Development
- The LINDO API makes it easy for you to seamlessly integrate
optimization into your own application. The developer interface has
been designed for maximum ease-of-use and flexibility. It comes with
clear, comprehensive documentation and examples to help you get
running quickly.
- LINDO API provides you with an arsenal of powerful solvers for
Stochastic, Linear, Nonlinear (convex & nonconvex/Global),
Quadratic, Quadratically Constrained, Second Order Cone and Integer
optimization. All solvers incorporate numerous enhancements for
maximum speed and robustness.
Programming Features
- LINDO Systems has begun shipping a new release of LINDO API that
includes new features to allow users to incorporate uncertainty into
their optimization models.
Set of Routines
- Whether your application is big or small, simple or complex, the
LINDO API provides the flexibility and functionality that you'll
need. It includes dozens of routines to formulate, solve, query, and
modify your problems.
Interface to MATLAB
- The Windows 32 bit and 64 bit versions of LINDO API can be run as
a MATLAB callable function. Using MATLAB 's modeling and programming
environment, you can build and solve models and create custom
algorithms based upon the LINDO API's routines and solvers.
Documentation and Help
- LINDO API provides all of the tools you will need to get up and
running quickly. You get the LINDO API User Manual (in printed form
and available online in pdf format) that includes detailed function
definitions for all routines. Also included in the manual is a
discussion to assist you in writing your own
Infeasible and Unbounded Models
- LINDO API includes tools that allow you to track down what has
caused a model to be infeasible or unbounded. The tools isolate a
portion of the original model as the source of the problem. This
allows you to focus your attention on a relatively small subsection
of the model to look for formulation or data entry errors. On
infeasible linear, nonlinear, quadratic and integer models, the
tools can find an irreducibly inconsistent set of constraints (IIS),
and on unbounded models, the tools can find an irreducibly unbounded
set of columns (IUS).
Web and Intranet Applications
- The LINDO API is thread safe to allow you to create web and
network applications that handle multiple user sessions
concurrently. Web and network applications require special
licensing. Contact LINDO Systems for more information.
Size Flexibility
- Why pay for more capacity than you need? The LINDO API is
available in a variety of different capacities. The capacities range
from a few hundred variables to versions with unlimited capacity, so
you can select the product that best suits your needs for a
particular problem.
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14.0 ▲
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