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BCL easyPDF SDK-PDF編程工具包

將Office文檔為PDF時前,有比以往更多的選擇。在版本7.0,Office 2007和2010用戶可以採取以下新的API的優勢。他們允許轉換Office文檔為PDF在服務器環境中而無需用戶交互。他們還提供了多種用於XLS / XLSX,PUB,室間隔缺損,和PPT / PPTX文件專門的轉換選項。


New PDF Printer APIs
You now have more choices than ever before when converting Office documents to PDF. In Version 7.0, Office 2007 and 2010 users can take advantage of the following new APIs. They allow conversion of Office documents to PDF in server environments without requiring an interactive user. They also offer a variety of specialized conversion options for XLS/XLSX, PUB, VSD, and PPT/PPTX documents.

Also new are APIs that allow you to set conversion options:
PrintJob.OfficePreference allows options to be set for all Office to PDF conversions instead of setting options for each application manually.
PrintJob.WebBrowserPreference gets and sets the HTML to PDF preferences.

New PDF Processor APIs
Extract pages in memory without using temporary files with Processor.ExtractPagesMem.
Place a page from a PDF document on top of a page in another PDF Processor.StampPDFonPDF.
Crop pages to exact dimensions with Processor.CropPages and ProcessorHandle.CropPages.

Complete PDF API Features
PDF Printer API
Convert printable documents to PDF at high speed.
Support for 64-bit versions of Windows 2003/2008/XP/Vista/7.
PDF/A Standard support for long term archiving of electronic documents.
PDF/X Standard support for exchange of print-ready PDF files in printing/advertising industries.
XPS Support (Supports XPS to PDF conversion. Requirement: .NET Framework 3.0 or above).
Automatic and CSS-driven pagination (smarter page break, developers can also manually control whether they want to have page break or not).
Automatically handle any exception or error message that may occur in converting HTML and Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio) to PDF.
Support many PDF features such as Font Embedding & Subsetting, Image compression, Metadata, PDF Security (e.g. set permission to print, edit), Digital Signature & Stamping, Watermark, PDF Viewer setting.
Control printer settings such as graphic resolution & scaling, paper orientation & size, printer color.
More choices than ever when converting Word documents to PDF.
Office 2007 users can take advantage of WordPrintJobEx, which offers two modes of operation and a multitude of options for Word conversions. Key enhancements in WordPrintJobEx include quicker conversions and significantly improved hyperlink support.
Conversion of Office documents to PDF in server environments without an interactive user.
Eliminate Microsoft Office dependency from your workflow!
Version 6.3 introduces OpenOfficePrintJob, which allows Word, Excel and PowerPoint conversion with OpenOffice.
OutlookPrintJob for converting Outlook documents into PDF.
This requires Microsoft Outlook. Learn more about OutlookPrintJob Object.
64-bit Java integration for all APIs
Finally easyPDF SDK offers a comprehensive interface to the native 64-bit JRE/JDK.

PDF Processor API
PDF page manipulation features, such as Merging, Splitting, Rotating, Deleting, Extracting, Optimizing.
PDF bookmarking features, such as appending and deleting bookmarks from existing PDF.
Embed elements inside current PDF, such as note, text, hyperlink, file attachment, custom annotation.
Get PDF information, such as metadata, page size, rotation, count, version.
Modify PDF security setting, such as getting signature information, checking encryption, changing password.
Extract text from PDF.
In-memory PDF decryption and encryption support. The PDFProcessorHandle object now supports efficient processing of encrypted PDFs, as well as the ability to decrypt and encrypt PDFs.
Unicode filenames are now supported by all Processor API calls.

PDF Converter API
PDF to EMF (Enhanced Metafile) image conversions.
Rasterize PDF into BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF image formats.
Set page number, image color, image quality, image resolution, page conversion timeout.

PDF Document API
Extract, insert, and update data in PDF Forms.
easyPDF SDK's Document API now supports Unicode.



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