時間機器 》電影一片中的草原樹木生長鏡頭就是這個軟體作的。
輸出格式支援:RayShade .shade;Wavefront
.obj;Autocad .dxf;Renderman .rib;LightWave 6.5 .lwo;3D studio
.3ds;VRML 1.0 .wrl等各種主流三維軟體。

Xfrog is a 3D graphics program, used for organic
modeling and animation ( Xfrog Full Version only ), which runs on
all flavors of Windows. We recommend minimum 256 Mb RAM, and
hardware or software support for OpenGL.
The organic application
Create Trees, Flowers, Organic-Iterative Architecture, Abstract
work, Special Efx work with our standalone application.

The Philosophy behind Xfrog is to offer various mathematical
procedural components, to provide a way to simulate various types of
mathematical structures found in Nature. For example - a Tree
component, which simulates the way real trees branch. A Phiball
component, which simulates distribution of the golden mean across
the surface of a sphere, which is commonly found in Flower centers (
such as the Sunflower above ).
Xfrog offers 10 components, each with a different function:
Simple, Horn, Tree, Leaf, - These are used to build.
Revo, Hydra, Phiball, Wreath - These are used to multiply and
distribute in specific ways.
Attractor, HyperPatch - These are used for local or global

All the components can be animated by varying their parameters, such
as number of branches, crookedness, randomness, strength of
attraction, gravity, phototropism. With such techniques, a quite
convincing Flower can be built and animated very easily , or a Tree
can be modeled and grown. Or an Architectural model can be
constructed using components which describe a multiplied sequence of
elements around a corkscrew path. |