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  Spire.Office for WPF               WPF 開發組件

Spire.Office 用於 WPF是其中包括 Spire.Doc 的 WPF、 Spire.XLS 為 WPF、 Spire.PDF WPF 和 Spire.PDFViewer 用於 WPF 的所有 e iceblue WPF 元件的彙編。此包的 WPF 元件可以説明您完全控制 Microsoft Word 和 Excel 文檔和 WPF 應用程式的所有 PDF 文檔。您可以使用此功能強大的 WPF 元件包創建、 讀取、 寫入和修改 MS Word/XLS,在 PDF 文檔中將。


Spire.Office for WPF is a compilation of all e-iceblue WPF components which includes Spire.Doc for WPF, Spire.XLS for WPF, Spire.PDF for WPF and Spire.PDFViewer for WPF. This package of WPF components can help you fully control Microsoft Word and Excel documents and all PDF documents with your WPF applications. You can use this powerful WPF component pack to create, read, write and modify MS Word/XLS, PDF documents at will.

Spire.Office for WPF contains the most up-to-date versions of Spire.Doc for WPF, Spire.XLS for WPF, Spire.PDF for WPF and Spire.PDFViewer for WPF. By using Spire.Office for WPF, developers can create a wide range of powerful WPF applications. Spire.Office for WPF is a standalone WPF component pack. It’s totally independent and without any 3rd party library.

Enable your WPF applications to read, modify and write Word documents without Microsoft Word® to be installed on the Server.


Enable your WPF applications to read, modify and write Excel without Microsoft Excel® to be installed on the Server.

Enable to load PDF document from stream, file and byte array. Support viewing PDF/A-1B, PDF/X1A and enables to open and read encrypted PDF files.


Enable your WPF applications to read, write and manipulate PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat.


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