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3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


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Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

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8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

10. Grapher 3D科學繪圖軟體



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STELLA / iThink 動態系統思考軟體


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Systems Thinking for Education and Research

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Systems Thinking for Business


Education and research are most exciting when they move out of the lecture hall and library and provide opportunity to create, experience, and see. STELLA® offers a practical way to dynamically visualize and communicate how complex systems and ideas really work.

Whether they are first-time or experienced modelers, teachers, students, and researchers use STELLA to explore and answer endless questions

˙How does climate change influence an ecosystem over time?

˙Would Hamlet’s fate have changed if he’d killed Claudius earlier?

˙How do oil prices respond to shocks in supply and/or demand?

˙What will happen when the ozone layer is gone?

˙How do basic macroeconomic principles affect income and consumption?

The Gold Standard

Easy-to-use, STELLA models provide endless opportunities to explore by asking "what if," and watching what happens, inspiring the exciting ah-ha moments of learning.

Thousands of educators and researchers have made STELLA the gold standard; using it to study everything from economics to physics, literature to calculus, chemistry to public policy. K-12, college, and research communities have all recognized STELLA’s unique ability to stimulate learning.

Shared Learning

You know that your students have learned when they can, in turn, explain. STELLA models allow you to communicate how a system works – what goes in, how the system is impacted, what are the outcomes.

STELLA supports diverse learning styles with a wide range of storytelling features. Diagrams, charts, and animation help visual learners discover relationships between variables in an equation. Verbal learners might surround visual models with words or attach documents to explain the impact of a new environmental policy.


Businesses must change to survive and grow. Why?

• Once productive processes bow to new competition
• New markets challenge current methods
• Government regulation compliance adds work and costs
• Labor market shifts inspire new employee recruitment and retention programs

Change implies risk. What if the change doesn’t work?
What if things get worse? If the pilot project fails, what do we try next?

Improving Business with iThink

iThink offers a risk-free way to make decisions that drive business improvement.

iThink guides you and your business team through the creation of models that simulate business processes and scenarios; pointing out the impacts of a new procedure or policy, and offering opportunity to fix undesirable outcomes. Based on Systems Thinking, iThink models serve as "practice fields", showing you outcomes that could be painful, costly, or embarrassing if discovered in reality.




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