

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

7. See5/C5.0  資料探勘軟體
8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

10. Grapher 3D科學繪圖軟體



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QI Macros  統計流程控制軟體   


The QI Macros Six Sigma Software for Excel draws pareto charts, control charts with stability analysis (c, np, p, u, XmR, XbarR, XbarS), histograms with Cp Cpk, scatter plot diagrams, box and whisker plots and more.


This easy to use SPC software installs a new pull down menu on your Excel toolbar. To run a chart simply click and drag over your data to select it, and then select the chart you want to run from the pull down menu.


QI Macros SPC Software menu


The QI Macros SPC Software for Excel Has Five Parts:

1.  30 Charts you can draw instantly from Excel data including paretos, control
     charts, histograms, box and whisker, scatter, and many more.

     The QI Macros is the only SPC toolkit that has a Control Chart Wizard that
     can choose the right chart automatically based on your data..

2.  80+ Fill-in-the-blank Templates and Tools that provide paint-by-numbers
     simplicity and consistency to Lean Six Sigma tools like fishbones, flowcharts,
     Gage R&R, PPAP and SPC Charts.
     Do you find monthly reporting a manual nightmare? There are over 30 chart
     templates that make monthly reporting as simple as adding new data points.

3.  Statistical Tools like Anova, normality test, f-test, t-test, regression and more
     that make hypothesis testing and statistical analysis a breeze.


4.  Data Transformation Tools - To help stack, restack, aggregate and analyze
     your data.

     The QI Macros is the only tool that includes a PivotTable Wizard to instantly
     aggregate line-by-line transaction data like ERP, error logs or financial data
     into actionable improvement stories.

     The QI Macros is the only tool that has a Word Count Wizard that analyzes
     service rep comments to find pareto patterns in the notes.


5.  Control Chart Dashboards for Monthly Reporting and Monitoring of Key
- just drop your data into these XmR, c, np, p, or u chart templates
     and click on the Create Dashboards icon.



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