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PowerGadgets Mobile for XenApp  

PowerGadgets 移動利用 Citrix XenApp 和 Citrix 接收機的 iPhone,Android、 黑莓和 Windows Mobile 讓您輕鬆地創建、自訂和訪問企業級的儀錶板。有 60 多個智慧手機和設備的支援。

XenApp PowerGadgets 移動由兩個主要元件組成:PowerGadgets Mobile Creator 和 PowerGadgets Mobile for XenApp 伺服器元件。PPowerGadgets Mobile Creator安裝在桌上式電腦上,並説明您設計您的小具。PowerGadgets XenApp 安裝在 Citrix XenApp 所在的伺服器上。

新的 PowerGadgets Mobile Creator功能,可説明您管理單元中創建您移動的儀錶板。新的、具有多小工具佈局、自訂的預設的移動設備和您的移動設備中的應用程式的完整預覽。

PowerGadgets 可以方便地連接到 SQL Server(或任何符合 ODBC 的資料庫)和中提取資訊。運行 SQL 查詢是到命令視窗中鍵入內容一樣簡單。它還支援 PowerShell 和 Web 服務作為資料來源。

PowerGadgets Mobile for XenApp

PowerGadgets Mobile leverages Citrix XenApp and Citrix Receivers for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile to let you easily create, customize and access enterprise-grade dashboards. With support for over 60 smart phone and devices, you can see what your dashboards will look like in any platform, any device.

PowerGadgets Mobile for XenApp consists of two main components: The PowerGadgets Mobile Creator and PowerGadgets Mobile for XenApp server component. PowerGadgets Mobile Creator installs on your desktop computer and helps you design your gadget. PowerGadgets XenApp installs on the server where Citrix XenApp is installed.


PowerGadgets Mobile Creator Features

The new PowerGadgets Mobile Creator is packed with features to help you create your mobile dashboards in a snap. Featuring new, multi gadget layouts, customized default mobile devices, and full preview of your application in the mobile devices, you will find there's no easier way to create mobile dashboards.

PowerGadgets can easily connect to a SQL Server (or any ODBC-compliant database) and extract information. Running a SQL query is as easy as typing into a command window. It also supports PowerShell and Web Services as data sources.


PowerGadgets Mobile for XenApp Features
PowerGadgets Mobile for XenApp server component acts as the presenter for the dashboards and gadgets you've created, so that they can be served to all your mobile clients.

Native Dashboards for all your Mobile Devices with Adaptive Run-time
PowerGadgets Mobile for XenApp powerful Adaptive Run-time Technology feature allows the dashboard to render and behave differently on each device in order to maximize usability and integration with each device.


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