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MathEdit 數學符號編輯軟體



About MathEdit 3.2 for Windows

Create small inline equations or large display
equations quickly and easily, then place them
into your document with typeset quality. With MathEdit's intuitive interface you don't waste time learning keywords or reading a thick user's manual. Creating even the most complex equations is easy, and online help is there if you need it.

The MathEdit Interface

The MathEdit window provides a menu bar at
the top of the window, a set of tool bar buttons below the menu bar, and a message/status bar at the bottom. Display of the tool bar and the
rulers can be toggled on and off. The tool bar buttons display palettes which are used to select formatting functions and symbols which are not on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts allow you to quickly access many common math characters and functions using the keyboard instead of searching the menus and palettes with the mouse. For example, to produce the Greek letter alpha in your equation, you can type \alpha.

MathEdit supplies a set of default commands which include Greek and math characters, math functions, and operators. MathEdit allows the user to define additional keyboard shortcuts and command sets. Format any character string as a math function name with just two keystrokes.

DERIVE, Maple, Mathematica

Use MathEdit to format the output from your symbolic math software. Output formats include Windows Metafiles, GIF, and TeX/LaTeX.

Large Equations

With the Professional Edition of MathEdit, the size of equations you can produce and the number of open equation windows is limited only by the memory of your computer. An equation of a thousand parts takes only 50K of memory. For really large equations, MathEdit has special formatting features.
MathEdit can even do "poster" size equations.


Speed of DOS, Ease of Windows

MathEdit was developed by industrial engineers, who know you want efficiency and a simple, intuitive program interface. We are unwilling to accept that Windows applications have to run slowly.

Hate the Mouse - Love the Mouse?

Keyboard shortcut commands let you access MathEdit features, symbols, and characters with just a few keystrokes. The same set of features, symbols, and characters can be a mouse click away with MathEdit's palettes. Either way, an extensive library of symbols is easily accessible for use in your equations.

Palettes for Symbols, Characters, and Functions

Hundreds of mathematical characters are available at the click of your mouse from MathEdit's palettes. Drop-down palettes are accessed from the tool bar buttons, and disappear once a character (or another palette)
has been selected. Floating palettes remain available on the screen until you hide them, letting you keep frequently used equation parts handy for faster access. Drag these floating palettes anywhere on your screen and
MathEdit will remember their new positions for your next session.

TeX and LaTeX

K-Talk's conversion software and service convert technical documents including equations. Convert between TeX/LaTeX and word-processing formats. Converted equations can be edited with MathEdit.

Complex Equations Made Easy

MathEdit assists you in the creation of your equation. Any number of functions, such as radicals, fractions, or delimiters can be nested,
and whenever you start a function, a status bar message reminds you to finish it. MathEdit keeps track of your position so you don't get syntax errors or the confusing messages other equation editors may give you.



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