

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

7. See5/C5.0  資料探勘軟體
8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

10. Grapher 3D科學繪圖軟體



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Maple 數學運算軟體

        Maple説明您分析、 探索、 視覺化、和解決的數學問題。將近 5000 種功能,Maple提供廣度、 深度和性能來處理每種類型的數學。Maple的直觀介面,支援多個樣式的互動,從複雜的程式設計語言的可點擊的數學 ™ 工具。使用智慧文檔環境提供的Maple,可以自動捕捉你的專業知識相結合計算、 說明性文字和數學、 圖形、 圖像、 聲音、 試算表和圖表中的所有。
        MapleSim 是一個物理建模與模擬工具的符號計算技術基礎。它有效地處理所有的複雜的數學所涉及的工程模型,包括多域系統、 植物建模和控制設計的發展。MapleSim 將從幾個月的模型開發時間減少到天,同時生產高保真、 高性能的模型。
         Maple T.A.是易於使用基於 web 的系統,用於創建測試和分配,和自動評估學生的反應和表現。它支援複雜的形式自由進入的數學方程和智慧評價的反應,使其適用于科學、 技術、 工程、 數學或任何需要數學的課程。

        MapleNet 套件的數學服務帶給您的應用程式和 web 網站的楓葉權力。與 MapleNet,可以將數學計算和視覺化效果添加到您的 web 和桌面應用程式、 通過互動式的楓葉檔,在 web 上共用的解決方案和開發豐富技術的 web 內容。


Maple helps you analyze, explore, visualize, and solve mathematical problems. With close to 5000 functions, Maple offers the breadth, depth, and performance to handle every type of mathematics. Maple’s intuitive interface supports multiple styles of interaction, from Clickable Math™ tools to a sophisticated programming language. Using the smart document environment provided by Maple, you can automatically capture all of your technical knowledge in an electronic form that combines calculations, explanatory text and math, graphics, images, sound, and diagrams.

MapleSim is a physical modeling and simulation tool built on a foundation of symbolic computation technology. It efficiently handles all of the complex mathematics involved in the development of engineering models, including multi-domain systems, plant modeling, and control design. MapleSim reduces model development time from months to days while producing high-fidelity, high-performance models.

Maple T.A. is an easy-to-use web-based system for creating tests and assignments, and automatically assessing student responses and performance. It supports complex, free-form entry of mathematical equations and intelligent evaluation of responses, making it ideal for science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), or any course that requires mathematics.

The MapleNet suite of mathematical services brings the power of Maple to your applications and web sites. With MapleNet, you can add mathematical computations and visualizations to your web and desktop applications, share solutions over the web through interactive Maple documents, and develop rich technical web content.



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