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LCModel 質子分析軟體



  • Automatic quantification of in vivo proton MR spectra.

  • Some user applications of LCModel


  • LCModel Version 6.2 (free upgrade for current LCModel sites). While the main application remains brain, options have been added for more primitive spectra:
    • Mainly water & lipids, as in bone marrow.

    • Water & lipids plus possibly choline, as in breast and liver.


   ˙ LCModel Version 6.1 (free upgrade for current LCModel sites) with
        new options, including analysis of muscle spectra, particularly for

  • A Linux x86 version (e.g., for PCs with Intel Pentium or Xeon or AMD Athlon or Opteron processors) is now available. It is extremely fast, with an excellent hardware performance/price ratio, particularly interesting for MRSI.

  • In Japan and the Asia-Pacific region, you can obtain LCModel directly from the authorized LCModel distributor, L.A. Systems,

  • Major new LCModel Version 6 (free upgrade for current LCModel sites) with many new features, including:

  • Estimates of macromolecule and lipid contributions in normals and in pathologies (e.g., tumors) with strong lipid signals and without strong lipid signals.

  • Analyses of full 2D slices or rectangular 2D subsets of 2D or 3D MRSI data sets.


  • Fully automatic, non-interactive, operator-independent: time-domain data input, one-page summary output.

  • Fully developed, over 18 years, with spectra analyzed from a wide variety of scanners and field strengths at more than 500 sites.

Download, Install & Test:

  • You can freely download the complete LCMgui/LCModel package for your Linux PC or Sun, SGI or DEC/Compaq Unix workstation. (The two commands needed for installation and the run with the test data are also specified.) You can also test the preparation and input of your own data to LCModel.

  • You can fully enable your LCModel package to analyze all data (not just the test data).

Methods are described in:

  • S.W. Provencher: Estimation of metabolite concentrations from localized in vivo proton NMR spectra. Magn Reson Med 30, 672 (1993).

  • User's Manual (you can always get the latest version here).

LCMgui Graphical User Interface

The normal usage is to supply the time-domain data as a simple text file to LCModel. A possible alternative is the LCMgui graphical user interface:

Freely available for use with LCModel.

Simplified usage, often only with mouse clicks, in two steps:

1.Select the data with the File Selector;

2.Start LCModel (optionally checking and modifying any settings) in the Control Window.

Currently for the following single-voxel data:

* Bruker fid files (if necessary, converted by you to analog mode with Bruker's convdta). (New) Also for ParaVision-3 fid files.

* GE 5.x Probe raw P-files and spectrum G-files.

* GE LX "spectro" P-files and Probe raw P-files, including 11.x Excite raw P-files. (New) Also for P-files with multi-channel (phased-array) data.

* Philips SDAT & SPAR files.

* Picker (later Marconi, now Philips) DUMP files.

* Siemens raw files from the Numaris-3 Unix console and Siemens *rda and DICOM *ima files transferred from the syngo MRease PC console.

* Toshiba rawData files;

* Other data types using your own conversion script.

Currently for the following MRSI data:

* Bruker (analog mode), Philips, Siemens & Toshiba data, including interactive display, selection and analysis of full 2D slices or rectangular subsets. (Instructions in Sec. 3.6 of the LCModel Manual.)

* Other data types using your own conversion script;

* For GE MRSI (and single-voxel) data, Mary McLean's LCModel interface [MA McLean et al, Magn Reson Med 44, 401 (2000)] is integrated into GE's SAGE Research version (from SAGE Dev2002.1).

* Especially for Siemens MRSI data, the University of Freiburg has a MATLAB GUI available [C Ko et al, GUI for automatic post processing and display of 2D-SI data sets with LCModel, Proc ISMRM 11, 1157 (2003)]

  磁振造影 (magnetic resonance imaging, MRI) 與磁振頻譜 (magnetic resonance spectroscopy, MRS) 具有非侵入性探測的特色,所以被廣泛地發展以應用在臨床分析的研究上。近年來隨著MRS應用於臨床的例子增加,所以也發展出許多針對後處理的工具軟體,其中最廣為人知的後處理軟體為LCModel。





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LCModel 軟體報價

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