

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

7. See5/C5.0  資料探勘軟體
8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

10. Grapher 3D科學繪圖軟體



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KaleidaGraph   科學繪圖與資料分析軟體



KaleidaGraph is a thoughtfully designed graphing and data analysis application for research scientists, as well as for those in business and engineering fields. It produces publication-quality graphs, and easily converts the most complex data into a functional display. KaleidaGraph allows the user to import, manipulate, and analyze data, as well as create customized plots. Statistics, linear and nonlinear curve fitting, and the ability to produce precise graphic visualization of data all make KaleidaGraph powerful and flexible.

Flexible Data Entry
When KaleidaGraph is first launched, the user is presented with a data window and formula entry window. Each data window supports a maximum of 1000 columns and 1 million rows. Microsoft Excel files can be opened directly into KaleidaGraph, and users can specify the structure of text files as they are being imported. Pertinent information about the data can be stored using the Posted Note feature of the data window.

The formula entry window provides the ability to manipulate data with a variety of algebraic and statistical functions. These operations can be performed on an entire column of data, a data selection, or a single cell in the data window.

Fast and versatile graphing choices
KaleidaGraph provides a variety of line and scatter plots, including double y, double x, and double xy. These plots support up to 99 independent and dependent y variables in a single plot. Other plot types include statistical (box, probability, histogram and percentile), bar, polar, pie and function.

Complete control over every plot option
After a plot is created, the user has total control over all the plot elements. The Axis Options dialog allows the user to control the limits, scaling, and axis labels for each of the axes, in addition to the display of tick marks and grid lines. The Plot Style dialog can be used to change the marker type, size, color, and number of markers displayed on the plot.

A number of plot tools are available to further customize the plot. A text tool is available to create fully stylized text labels. Drawing tools are provided to add arrows, lines, boxes, ovals, arcs, polygons, and Bezier curves. The identify tool displays the current coordinates each time the mouse is clicked. The data selection tool can be used to graphically eliminate outliers from the plot.

Precise curve fitting
One of KaleidaGraph’s biggest strengths is in the area of curve fitting. KaleidaGraph supports both linear and nonlinear curve fitting, with built-in equations for linear, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and power functions. Four smoothing curve fits (smooth, weighted, cubic spline and interpolate) are provided to help improve the presentation of the data.

Nonlinear curve fitting is accomplished through KaleidaGraph’s general curve fit. This curve fit allows the user to define their own equation, which can contain up to nine unknown parameters. The program ships with over 100 different equations that can be used to fit the data.

Error bars
Error bars can be added to the plots in almost any way imaginable: full error bars, single-sided error bars, and error arcs can all be displayed. The values used for the error bars may be a function of the data statistics, fixed, or supplied by the user. If the user specifies a text column for the error values, the values in that column will be used to annotate the points in the plot.

Effortless printing and plot export
The layout feature in KaleidaGraph allows the user to display plots, tables, and text in a suitable manner for publication or presentation. The user has control over the size and placement of the elements in the layout window, similar to a page layout program. Layouts can be printed, pasted into other applications, or exported in a WMF, TIFF, JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG or PICT format. Everything you need is right at hand inside KaleidaGraph, without the need for another program to do the job.

Templates and Formula Scripts
Additional features include template plots and formula scripts. Template plots allow the user to take any pre-existing plot and use it as a template for creating a new plot. Any curve fits or error bars included in the original plot are automatically applied to the new plot.

Formula scripts take things one step further by providing commands to import data, manipulate it with algebraic formulas, plot it using either a new plot or a template plot, and export the plot to a file. All of this can be accomplished with little or no user interaction.

Powerful data analysis and manipulation
Easy-to-use commands for analyzing your data include a variety of basic statistics, Student t-test, ANOVA, and Wilcoxon. Use the Formula entry window to manipulate your data using over 100 algebraic equations and statistical functions from convenient menus.





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