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IntelliJ IDEA JAVA程式開發工具

IntelliJ 的想法是為 JAVA 最聰明的 IDE。外框功能集包括工具和集成的最重要的現代技術與企業和 web 發展的框架。智慧完成和超強性能先進的重構、 上飛代碼説明、 深刻的導航,無法比擬的開發人員帶來新的生產力水準。
IntelliJ 的想法是為 JAVA 最聰明的 IDE。外框功能集包括工具和集成的最重要的現代技術與企業和 web 發展的框架。智慧完成和超強性能先進的重構、 上飛代碼説明、 深刻的導航,無法比擬的開發人員帶來新的生產力水準。

IntelliJ IDEA the most intelligent Java IDE

IntelliJ IDEA is the most intelligent IDE for Java. Out-of-the-box feature set includes tools and integrations with the most important modern technologies and frameworks for enterprise and web development. Advanced refactorings, on-the-fly code assistance, profound navigation, smart completion and blazing performance bring new level of productivity for developers beyond compare.


Ultimate — Exclusive Out-of-the-Box Feature Set
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is the full-featured commercial IDE — with a complete set of tools and integrations with the most important modern technologies and frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate — a must-have for effective Web and Java EE development.

Enterprise technologies support including Java EE, Spring, GWT, Struts, Play, Hibernate, Google App Engine, OSGi and others.
Simplified web development with intelligent editors for HTML, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, CSS, integration for templating engines.
Full array of supported languages, with refactoring capabilities: ActionScript, PHP, Groovy, Scala, Python/Jython, Ruby/JRuby, Clojure.
Deployment and debugging with any of the following application servers: Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss, Weblogic, WebSphere, Geronimo, Resin, Jetty.
Commercial version control systems support: Perforce, ClearCase, Team Foundation Server, Visual SourceSafe.
Tools for working with large scale Java codebases: dependency analysis and validation, UML class diagrams.
Unique structural search and replace facility based on regular expressions describing structural Java elements.
Easily spot and fix duplicate code fragments. Measure the code coverage for your unit tests.


IntelliJ IDEA Features
In addition to being the most intelligent Java IDE, IntelliJ IDEA does provide out-of-the-box support for web, enterprise and mobile frameworks, which all together bring you an unparalleled user experience.

Try IntelliJ IDEA once and you’ll never use another IDE again.

Productivity-Boosting Features
IntelliJ IDEA is focused on raising your productivity by providing the most intelligent code assistance for all supported languages and frameworks.
Smart Code Completion is always aware of the context so you can code faster than ever.
On-the-fly Code Analysis ensures code quality as you type and suggests handy quick-fixes.
Advanced Refactorings takes care of applying complicated changes to the code safely.


Developer Tools
IntelliJ IDEA offers an amazing set of integrated tools that make development more productive.
Database Tools including a full-featured database editor and SQL support.

UML Designer for analysing and designing classes.

Version Control Tools with a unified interface for Git, SVN, Mercurial and others.
Build Tools with support for Maven, Ant, Gradle and Gant.

Web Development

IntelliJ IDEA offers advanced support for the most important web frameworks and standards.
Develop easily with Spring MVC, Webflow, Play, Grails, Web Services, JSF, Struts, Flex and other frameworks.

Includes ultimate code assistance for HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Node.js, ActonScript and other languages.


Enterprise Development

IntelliJ IDEA offers an out-of-the-box tool set for building enterprise applications.
With support for Spring, including Data, Web Services, Security, Batch, Roo, Integration and other frameworks.

Code assistance and deployment tools Java EE, including EJB, CDI, JPA, Hibernate and support for the most popular application servers


Mobile Development
Developing for mobile platforms becomes incredibly easy with IntelliJ IDEA.
Support for Android, including refactorings and handy UI designer.
Development tools for AIR Mobile with support for Android and iOS devices.


Languages Supported
IntelliJ IDEA is a polyglot IDE with comprehensive support for multiple languages, including:
The most popular JVM-based languages, including Java, Scala, Groovy, Clojure and Kotlin.
PHP, Python and Ruby.

SQL, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server and many other dialects.


Agile Development

IntelliJ IDEA is an ideal IDE for agile development.
Deploy your applications to the Clouds directly from the IDE.

Use  Task and Context Management for integration with bug trackers and context switching.




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