

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

7. See5/C5.0  資料探勘軟體
8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

10. Grapher 3D科學繪圖軟體



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Inspiration 輔助教學軟體

For visual mapping, outlining, writing and making presentations, use Inspiration, the ultimate thinking and learning tool. Brainstorm ideas, structure your thoughts and visually communicate concepts to strengthen understanding with the Diagram and Map Views. To take notes, organize information, and structure writing for plans, papers and reports, use the integrated Outline View to focus on main and supporting ideas and to clarify thinking in written form.

對於視覺映射、畫出略圖、編寫和製作演示文稿,使用Inspiration、思考和學習工具。集思廣益、 組織您的想法和視覺溝通加強與圖表和地圖視圖理解的概念。記筆記,組織資訊,和結構寫作計畫、 論文和報告,使用集成的大綱視圖,重點支援的主要的思想,並澄清以書面形式的思維。


More visual learning support for reading, writing and thinking in Diagram View

Select from more symbol images that support
    curriculum content.

Lock symbols while developing templates to
    ensure they aren't moved or deleted by students.

Use Linking Phrases to easily explain    
    relationships between ideas while creating
    concept maps.


NEW Presentation Manager to develop presentations and present your knowledge

Develop slides from content and snapshot graphics automatically generated
    from your Diagram, Map and Outline Views.

Add, duplicate, reorder and delete slides and talking points to expand your
    presentation and communicate your message effectively.

Use ready-made professional background themes to create visually appealing

Change background colors and font styles or add graphic backgrounds to
    create your own custom theme styles.

Visualize & Develop Ideas. Understand & Retain Concepts.

Inspiration makes it easy to create webs, idea maps, mind maps, concept maps, graphic organizers, process flows, and other diagrams for thinking, organizing and writing. Use these proven visual thinking and learning techniques to brainstorm ideas, explore and explain relationships, and integrate new knowledge with what you already know. Inspiration encourages deeper, more critical thinking and that improves creativity, comprehension and retention.


Plan & Organize Written Work

Get organized and think through projects and assignments more effectively using Inspiration’s Outline View. Structure your work for planning and writing. Brainstorm and organize ideas. Gather and keep track of research information and develop a logical flow for written and oral communication. With Outline View, you can quickly develop main and supporting ideas and add detail helping you write to a purpose. Outlining, paired with the integrated visual views, lets you move seamlessly between visual and written expressions of your thinking to expand and refine ideas and produce quality work.


Communicate & Present Knowledge

Communicate what you've learned with Inspiration's Presentation Manager. Use the content you've developed in Diagram, Map and Outline Views and expand your work into more thoughtful and compelling presentations and final projects. Inspiration provides all the tools to create organized, polished, formal presentations that convey ideas clearly and demonstrate your understanding and knowledge. Use the FREE Inspiration Presenter to show your presentation easily on any Macintosh® or Windows® computer.

Use Inspiration for All of Your School Projects

Enhance & Improve Your Work

Build vocabulary and accurately express your intended message with the
    Word Guide, an integrated dictionary and thesaurus.

Include videos and record and play sound in your diagrams, outlines and
    presentations to add multimedia impact.

Add hyperlinks to web pages, files and other Inspiration documents to gather
    research or organize larger team projects.

Share Your Work

Print your work from Diagram, Map and Outline Views and from the
    Presentation Manager.

Transfer your work to a word processor to streamline and support project      

Save documents as PDFs.

Use the Site Skeleton® export to transform diagrams into HTML web sites.

Export diagrams and mind maps as .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp or .wmf files to insert
    in other materials.

Use Inspiration to its Full Potential

Templates provide guidelines and help you start projects quickly.

On-demand Training Videos show you how to use Inspiration’s most
    commonly used tools.





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