

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

7. See5/C5.0  資料探勘軟體
8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

10. Grapher 3D科學繪圖軟體



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Inquisit      心理測量軟體


Inquisit 是一款功能強大,易於使用的心理測量和實驗工具。

Inquisit 4是一個重大的更新Inquisit一直在醞釀多年。我們的設計目標為Inquisit 4 Mac OSX的擴展支持,增強了產品的力量,提高可用性,並保持與過去的版本的兼容性,以確保一個誘人的平滑升級路徑。我們想,以使Inquisit人進行以計算機為基礎的行為研究的必備工具。

Inquisit is used by behavioral scientists throughout the world for creating and administering numerous cognitive, social, and neuropsychological measures.

Inquisit 4 is a powerful, easy-to-use psychological measurement and experimentation tool for Windows and Mac OSX.

Inquisit 4 is a major update of Inquisit that has been years in the making. Our design goals for Inquisit 4 were to extend support to Mac OSX, enhance the power of the product, improve usability, and maintain compatibility with past releases in order to ensure an enticing and smooth upgrade path. We want to make Inquisit an essential tool for anyone conducting computer-based behavioral research. Towards these ends, Inquisit 4 introduces the following new features:

Mac support!
Native support for 64-bit Windows.
A new and improved editor, with support for opening multiple scripts and data files, tab UI, text colorization, improved error feedback, and a script navigation window
A new data editor for viewing data files with a spreadsheet UI, sorting, and filtering
Ability to right-click elements in the script and run them in isolation
Display a clock on the screen during long-running timed tasks
Support for drawing tasks such as Trail Making Test
Improved support for preserving relative size and scale across different screen resolutions
Support for presenting PNG images
Support for images with transparent pixels
More flexible assignment to between-group conditions
Improved support for administering tests in multiple languages
Present HTML pages as another type of stimulus
Dynamically create and modify the timing and content of stimulus sequences
Record a single line of summary data for each participant (in addition to saving raw data)
More control over layout of visual stimuli on the screen and enforcing consistent layouts across different shaped screens
Full UNICODE support for more robust support of Asian, Arabic, and Hebrew script
Easier methods for obtaining informed consent
Easier and more flexible randomization
Support for parallel port signaling on 64-bit Windows
New language constructs such as "else if" and increment operators for simpler and more concise expressions
More flexibility and control over redirecting participants to other web pages at the end of an experiment
Numerous script language improvements for simpler and more powerful scripts
Enhanced joystick support for paradigms such as the Approach Avoidance Task.



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