簡介 Informatik 圖像TIFF(PDF / TIFF印表機驅動) 是從任何Windows應用程式中建立TIFF和PDF 檔案的一台raster 驅動器。 它像標準印表機驅動。 僅僅送Microsoft Word,PDF,Excel, text等等資料到TIFF驅動器(從印刷選單) 或一個工業標準壓縮的TIFF或PDF 檔案,或連載的單個頁的TIFF檔案。
由於可選擇的addon 格式化計畫,你也能創造JPEG,PNG,GIF,BMP以及很多不同的TIFF壓縮(包括FTIFF 種類 F Dialogic 和LZW) ,text annotations(有合併領域和位置標識符) ,水印和其他圖像操作。 驅動器能用來轉變專有的圖形形式; 任何檔案可以用Windows 列印的任何形式變為一個圖表檔案。 可以批處理與自動化或者在很多情況裡可以自行申請。 驅動器支援網路。
程式檔案少於500k; 它在10秒內安裝和性能是快比其他的相似TIFF 驅動程式3-4 倍。 Informatik 圖像驅動是一個本地計畫; 爭論檔案被從datastream而不是間接的圖形變換,因此可直接創造驚人的性能和高的系統可靠性。 TIFF輸出檔案讓一個comlete 標籤確定,並且形式符合最嚴格的工業標準。 ADVANTAGES 因為驅動器使用本地數據流性能優越(沒有中間轉換) 檔案小於500k. 容易安裝。 安裝不到10秒。 符合最好的工業TIFF標準。Driver supports many formats that are not supported by other dirvers, such as Filenet, Dialogic, etc. Option for PDF file output (Windows NT4/2000/XP version only) Highest quality 24-bit color TIFF and JPEG output (Versions 2.5+) Support for Windows Terminal Servers, Citrix and Remote servers (Windows 2000/2003/XP version only, also NT4 with SP5 in most cases, but try it out first). Full 2003 Server functions. Remote server, Windows Terminal Server, Citrix. High system reliability because the driver is a native program, not using troublesome library files. Customization. Because the driver is a native program is can be customized for your exact needs.
HIGHLIGHTS 極端快的性能。 Informatik的本地驅動直接建立TIFF檔案,不透過中間轉換從bitmaps。
Small footprint. The combined file size of the image driver is less than 500k, a fraction of the typical size of other TIFF printer drivers.
The output TIFF preserves the page orientation and the page size of the input file.
Unlike other drivers, Informatik Image Driver is capable of processing very large documents and practically unlimited multipage files.
Standard Group 4 TIFF files, full packbit, B-Class G4 compatibility Compatible with FileNet TIFF format.
TIFF Class F formats (complete set of standard specifications).
Automatic file naming (source name, auto-numbering) Multi-page TIFF files
Page serialization
Page appending (for compatible formats)
24-bit color TIFF and JPEG output files (Versions 2.5+)
Option for PDF file output (Versions 2.5+)
Very large paper size, up to A0 size (Versions 2.5+)
Sentinel file (done file) useful for batch processing (Versions 2.5+).
Support for Windows Terminal Servers, Citrix and Remote servers (Windows 2000/2003/XP version only, also NT4 with SP5 in most cases, but try it out first)
Page counter and other features for batch processing
Post-application (launch of application after print job)
Optional add-on program for dozens of other options, like most common graphics formats, sizing, text annotations, watermarks, etc. More Information about Addon program.