

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

7. See5/C5.0  資料探勘軟體
8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

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IRTPRO       多項反應測試軟體

許多年來 SSI 已分佈廣泛的的四個 IRT  程式套件,分別為 Bilog -MG、 Multilog、 Parscale 和 Testfact 。然而,經濟成長和成功帶來新使用者和新的期望,儘管這些 IRT 程式是遠非完美以今天的軟體標準來衡量。此外,它們共用大量的相似之處和重疊的功能。因此,必須制定一種單一的、 先進的軟體產品,以替換這些四個程式。
為了滿足不斷增加的使用者,SSI 制訂了新的軟體產品,稱為 IRTPRO,這是當前技術的前沿。Windows7、 Vista 和 XP 作業系統與微軟 Windows 平臺上進行了廣泛測試程式。有了 IRTPRO 數位引擎的重要部分並行同時運行多個內核上。


IRTPRO 支援基於模型的和基於資料的圖形顯示。基於模型的圖表,當前可用的一維 IRT 模型只是跟蹤行、 資訊曲線、 聯合的跟蹤行資訊曲線,共有資訊,並測試特性曲線。


IRTPRO 進口來自多種資料統計套裝軟體,以及導入資料從資料的固定的格式 (.fixed),以逗號分隔 (.csv),定位字元分隔 (通常.txt) 和 Excel (.xls) 檔。無論原來的格式,導入的資料將保存到一個具有直觀地顯示為試算表,請在 Excel 試算表的外觀相似的副檔名.ssig 的 IRTPRO 資料檔案。


For many years SSI has had a widely distributed suite of four IRT (Item Response Theory) programs called Bilog-MG, Multilog, Parscale and Testfact. However, with growth and success also come new users and new expectations. Despite their success, these IRT programs are far from perfect measured by today's software standards. Furthermore, they share a great deal of similarities and overlapping functionalities. Thus, it became evident that a single, state-of-the-art software product must be developed to replace these four programs.

In an effort to meet the growing demands of our user community, SSI has developed a new software product, called IRTPRO, which is on the cutting edge of current technology. The program has been tested extensively on the Microsoft Windows platform with Windows7, Vista and XP operating systems. Important sections of the IRTPRO numeric engine have been parallelized to run on multiple cores simultaneously.


IRTPRO supports both model-based and data-based graphical displays. Model-based graphs, currently available for unidimensional IRT models only, are trace lines, information curves, combined trace lines-information curves, total information, and test characteristic curves.


IRTPRO imports data from a variety of statistical software packages as well as importing data from fixed format data (.fixed), comma-separated (.csv), tab-delimited (usually .txt), and Excel (.xls) files. Whatever the original format, the imported data are saved to an IRTPRO data file with extension .ssig that is displayed visually as a spreadsheet, similar in appearance to an Excel spreadsheet.


Graphical user interface
Efficient analysis of binary items including multiple choice or short-answer items scored right, wrong, omitted, or not-presented
Capable of large scale production analysis, and handling of multiple groups
Performs item analysis and scoring of any number of subtests or subscales
Non-equivalent groups equating
Vertical equating of test forms
Differential item functioning (DIF)
Detection and correction for parameter trends over time (DRIFT)
Calibration and Scoring of tests in two-stage testing procedures
Estimation of latent ability or proficiency distributions
Provision for items inserted in tests to estimate item statistics, but not included in calculation of examinee scores ("variant items")
Item fit statistics, theoretical and empirical reliability
Information curves and reliabilities for putative test forms
Presentation quality IRT graphics, can be imported in Word, Access, etc.
Detailed online HELP documentation includes description of interface, syntax, and examples.


The flexibility and the wealth of information provided by this program have kept it in regular use by researchers around the world
One, two, and three-parameter logistic models
Samejima's model for graded responses
Master's partial credit model
Generalized partial credit model
Analysis of rating scale items such as open-ended essay questions
Analysis of multiple-choice items
Differential item functioning (DIF)
Analysis of mixtures of item types
Rater's-effect analysis
Multiple-group polytomous item response models
Presentation quality IRT graphics, can be imported in Word, Access, etc.
Detailed online HELP documentation includes syntax and examples.


Marginal maximum likelihood (MML) exploratory factor analysis and classical item analysis of binary data
Computes tetrachoric correlations, principal factor solution, classical item descriptive statistics, fractile tables and plots
Handles up to 10 factors using numerical quadrature: up to 5 for non-adaptive and up to 10 for adaptive quadrature
Handles up to 15 factors using Monte Carlo integration techniques
Varimax (orthogonal) and PROMAX (oblique) rotation of factor loadings
Handles an important form of confirmatory factor analysis known as "bifactor" analysis: Factor pattern consists of one main factor plus group factors Simulation of responses to items based on user specified parameters
Correction for guessing and not-reached items
Allows imposition of constraints on item parameter estimates
Handles omitted and not-presented items
Detailed online HELP documentation includes syntax and annotated examples.



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