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HVE & HVE-2D  車輛碰撞模擬軟體



HVE Driver Model (Path Follower) in EDSMAC4 - The Driver Controls for an EDSMAC4 event will now include the ability to use the HVE Driver Model (Path Follower). The HVE Driver allows the HVE or HVE-2D user to define a path using target positions. Using this path, the simulation model (in this case EDSMAC4) determines the steering inputs required to make the vehicle follow the path. The HVE Driver takes into account the limitations of the driver ability for steering rate and response, as well as the vehicle parameters, when determining the best possible steering inputs. (Refer to the Summer 2005 EDC Technical Newsletter for more details.)

* Additional Tire Models - Additional Tire Model options for SIMON, including the Radial Spring, Soft Soil and Sidewall Impact models. (Refer to the Technical Session of the Winter 2005 EDC Technical Newsletter or HVE White Paper WP-2005-6 for more detailed information.)



* Enhanced Steer Axis Geometry - The wheels may be steered about an axis defined by user-entered caster and inclination angles. Steering offset (also called scrub radius) is also modeled. These changes enable the simulation of the self-steering and brake- or throttle-induced steering moments that can exist in all modern vehicles.

* Collision Acceleration Threshold - The Collision Acceleration Threshold used by the collision algorithms in EDSMAC4 and DyMESH can now be changed from the default value of 1 g using the field available in the Calculation Options dialog.

* HTT and Dual Processors - Direct support for Hyper-Thread Technology and Dual Processors - Users will not have to disable Hyper-Threading or Set Affinity of hve.exe to a single processor in order to create or run events.

* Event Status in Playback - Event Status is now displayed in the Report Information dialog in the Playback Editor - When adding reports in Playback, the user will clearly see that an event has output tracks available if the word "Executed" is displayed in the dialog's Event Status field. If the event does not have output tracks available, then the field will display "Not Executed (No Reports Available)."

* Multiple Events in Report Information Dialog - When adding additional reports to display in Playback, the Report Information dialog will remember the Event previously selected by the user. Users with multiple events in their case will find this feature helps them efficiently add the correct additional reports for viewing and printing.

* Updated Inertias Dialog - The Inertial Data dialog found in the Vehicle Editor now displays the Total Yaw Inertia and the Sprung Mass Yaw Inertia for the vehicle. This will help both HVE and HVE-2D users easily confirm that they are using the desired values in their reconstruction or simulation events.

* Vehicle Mesh Enhancements - Additional enhancements for reducing run-times when using DyMESH, such as checks for water tight meshes, vertex welding, and selection of mesh object groups to include in the calculations.


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