

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
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Encore 音樂軟體


Encore是專業的音樂符號的標準。其強大的轉錄並編輯功能説明他們的想法進入列印所有級別的音樂家。快速、 準確、 並便於使用,Encore允許您創建美麗列印輸出的您的分數-64 達使用分開的樂譜。不論你是創建圖片樂譜、 管弦樂安排、 合唱團歌譜或音樂教學中,Encore是首屈一指的。

Encore is the standard in professional music notation. Its powerful transcribing and editing capabilities help musicians of all levels get their ideas into print. Fast, accurate, and easy to use, Encore allows you to create beautiful printouts of your scores - using up to 64 separate staves. Whether you're creating motion picture scores, orchestral arrangements, choir songbooks, or teaching music in school, Encore is second to none.


New Features
Gvox VSTi Host
Toolbar now displays all tools
Preroll click option
New Score Wizard
Over 30 Templates and unlimited user created template
Transposed or "C" score option.
Beginning measure number offset
Preset Tab tunings option
Added menu items
Auto Spacing when dragging notes, barlines and systems
Enhanced MIDI playback
Garritan Personal Studio ready
Simplified Accidentals option
More shortcuts
MusicXML import and export
Full DLS and Soundfont support
Handwritten Music Style option
Bonus - Hundreds of works by J.S. Bach formatted in Encore,
   ready to use

Editing Features
Insert MIDI data for dynamics, controller data, and tempos.
Customizable Toolbar for quick access to frequently used
Zoom in and out for precise control.
Expressions palette allows you to save your own expressions in
   any font, size, or style.
Guitar tablature symbols palette contains all the markings and
    symbols needed for notating tab.
Slur a group of notes automatically or draw slurs with the pencil
Place objects anywhere on the page by clicking the mouse.
Select regions, pages, staves, systems, or the entire score for
Transposition automatically affects chord symbols and fret
Key commands to change note durations, sharps, flats, naturals,
   enharmonics, and MIDI velocity.
Transpose, change key signatures, meters, and clefs at any time.
Display and play back nested repeat structures, including variable
    bar lines and multiple endings.
Easily cut, copy, paste, clear, insert, delete, or undo notes or
   sections of music.
Symbols include: notes, rests, accidentals, slurs, ties, grace notes,
    cue notes, tuplets, accents, marks, ornaments, ottava, and
    dynamics marks.
Adjust the height and angle of beams and create Beam Groups.
Justify spacing for both accidental collisions and proper timing
Split notes from one staff onto two staves, either by pitch or voice.
Select from eight note-head types, including Gregorian and
Automatically extract parts with control over lyrics and markings.
Enter text or lyrics anywhere on the page in any font, size,
   or style, including dashes and melisma.

Composition and Transcription Features
Notate scores as large as 64 staves per system with up to eight
   voices per staff.
Cross-staff beaming extends beams across staves for multi-staff
Guitar tablature automatically notates tablature for up to 8 strings
   in any tuning with definable fret position.
Percussion staff notates rhythms with multiple note heads and
   assignable staff position.
Note duration and multiple voices are automatically "guessed" and
   then beamed appropriately.
Auto spacing automatically spaces notes for easy reading.
Additional symbols for rhythm-part chord slashes, arpeggio sign
    and fingering numbers.
Insert or delete measures, pages, systems or staves anytime,
    anywhere in the composition.
Transcribes Master Tracks Pro, Standard MIDI and Music XML.
Directly transcribes live input from MIDI instruments and MIDI
    sofware in real time.
Linear view allows an entire score to be viewed as one system.
Add guitar chord fret diagrams and chord names to your scores
    and lead sheets.
Easily add a pickup measure to your score.
MIDI Performance Features
Plays back MIDI interpretations of dynamics, hairpins, repeats,
   endings, and articulations.
Sustain pedal markings affect MIDI.
Swing quantization gives music a swing feel.
Tempo indications can affect playback.
Assign up to 8 separate voices on each staff for playback over
    different MIDI channels.
Align the playback to match the current graphic appearance of
    your music.
Encore recognizes and generates MIDI Song Position Pointer
   and MIDI Clocks for syncing.
Select any number of MIDI devices
Hear notes play over MIDI as you enter them with the mouse.
MIDI Panic Button sends an "all notes off" message at any time.

Other Features
Mac and Windows version share same format, files are
   transfer-able between platforms.
Windows Soundcard compatible
Supports Industry Standard MIDI and MusicXML Files.

Page Layout and Printing Features
Choose between engraver’s spacing and mathematically perfect
    alignment of notes.
Measures of rest can be compressed into one measure.
User can define global spacing defaults of staves, clefs, lyrics,
   chords, key, and meter.
Reminder time signatures can be displayed or hidden.
Use any font in your system for text, lyrics, chords, staff names,
   and measure numbers.
Place headers and footers on each page.
Print an entire score, individual pages, or extracted parts.



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