

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

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Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

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EarMaster  音樂軟體


EarMaster 教育版是強化聽力訓練的有互動性強大工具。邊做邊學的方式使學生更能使他們的音樂聽力的技巧更好。

It’s frustrating. You can hear a piece of music just fine in your head - but when you try to play it, it just doesn’t come out right. This is an example of what ear training can help you to improve. Ear training will help you to:

 Play the music you intend to play.
 Understand the music you hear.
 Hear the music ”in your head“ when you read it.
 Bring together sight and sound.

Ear training will help you develop greater musicality, confidence and enjoyment of music. A better ear will help you when you play music, sing, improvise, compose and transcribe. Ear training will give you a better understanding of all the things you are doing with music. You will notice things you did not hear before, and your errors will become easier to detect, so that you can correct them and learn from them.

Educational studies show that we remember 20% of what we see, 40% of what we see and hear, and 80% of what we experience! EarMaster School is an experiential ear training tool. It’s highly interactive -- students see, hear and do!

Your teaching assistant
EarMaster comes with a jazz tutor and a standard tutor with a total of 651 lessons! Lessons are ready to use or can offer inspiration for you to create your own lessons using the Tutor editor. You can write tests at intervals between lessons, setting time limits and other special restrictions as you wish. Your custom-made tutor lessons will challenge each student individually based on performance.

Students receive instant feedback. As a teacher you can focus on the most difficult questions and concepts. You have access to live statistics on students’ performance, so problems can be addressed individually or with groups.

Ear training after class
Students can do ear training lessons after class as homework in the computer lab. The highscore in EarMaster motivates student to compete and devote extra hours to ear training. You can email your own tutor lessons to your students so that they can work with EarMaster at home. Students can email their results to you from their home computer, or bring them to school on a USB flash disk. Results are added to EarMaster so that you can view them together with all other users’ results.




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