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Aqua Data Studio      資料庫管理軟體

Aqua Data Studio 是完整整合式開發環境 (IDE) 資料庫查詢、 管理和發展。它支援所有主流資料庫供應商,在多個作業系統和超過 20 種語言進行當地語系化。Aqua Data Studio的 9.0 版本,我們推出了 Aqua 開放 Api,所有 Aqua 資料工作室功能的第一次都提供開發人員訪問。Aqua 開放 API 庫是通過 AquaScript 訪問 — — 與成熟的 JavaScript 編輯器、 調試器基於 JavaScript 的程式設計語言。

ADStudio Aqua 開放 Api,叫做 AquaScript 和全面整合式開發環境 (IDE) 的基於 JavaScript 語言採用關聯式資料庫工具有新的見解。使用者現在將有 API 訪問幾乎所有 ADStudio 的內置功能,並能夠創建完全自動化的端到端解決方案。

開放 Api 使開發人員能夠編寫腳本訪問 ADStudio 創建的自訂解決方案和產品的 GUI 限制超出範圍的任務的功能。這包括當前各地訪問資料庫、 資料庫架構 DDL 生成、 比較工具、 版本控制、 資料透視、 圖表和更多的功能。我們還介紹了新功能,包括生成亂數據、 統計函數、 本地檔案系統和 Hadoop 檔案系統。

Aqua Data Studio is a complete Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for database query, administration and development. It supports all major database vendors, works on multiple operating systems and is localized for over 20 languages. With version 9.0 of Aqua Data Studio, we've introduced Aqua Open APIs, offering developers access for the first time to all of Aqua Data Studio's capabilities. The Aqua Open API library is accessible via AquaScript—a JavaScript-based programming language with a full-fledged JavaScript editor and debugger.

ADStudio breaks new ground for Relational Database tools with the introduction of the Aqua Open APIs, a JavaScript based language called AquaScript and a full-fledged Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Users will now have API access to nearly all of ADStudio's built-in functionality and be able to create fully automated end-to-end solutions.

Open APIs enable developers to write scripts that access the functionality of ADStudio to create custom solutions and tasks that fall outside of the product's GUI restrictions. This includes current functionality around database access, database schema DDL generation, compare tools, version control, data pivoting, charts and much more. We have also introduced new functionality, including random data generation, statistical functions, local file system and Hadoop file system.

Technical Overview
The Aqua Open APIs are a set of programming interfaces exposing the inner functionality of ADStudio. These APIs may be accessed by writing and executing an AquaScript, which is essentially a JavaScript written inside of ADStudio that has the ability to invoke the Aqua Open APIs. For a seamless development experience, ADStudio also provides an embedded IDE enabling developers to write, execute and debug AquaScripts inside of ADStudio.

AquaScripts are executed within ADStudio using the Mozilla Rhino engine. The AquaScript language itself is standardized by Standard ECMA-357 ECMAScript for XML (E4X): A general purpose, cross-platform programming language. Any script executed has full access to the Java API in addition to the Aqua Open API. Scripts may also access any other proprietary or Open Source Java libraries included in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) classpath.



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