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  Spire.PDF for .NET         PDF應用工具

Net Spire.PDF是專業 PDF 元件創建、 讀取、 寫入、 編輯和處理無任何外部依賴在.NET 應用程式中的 PDF 文檔中的應用。使用.NET 的 Spire.PDF,您可以實現豐富的功能,無需安裝 Adobe Acrobat 生成 PDF 文檔從零開始或完全通過 C #/VB 代碼處理現有 PDF 文檔。

許多功能可以支援此 PDF 元件如安全設置 (包括數位簽章),PDF 文本/圖像附件中提取,PDF 合併/拆分、 中繼資料更新、 節和段優化、 圖形/圖像繪製和插入,創建表的過程和加工和導入資料等。此外,.net Spire.PDF 可用於輕鬆轉換 HTML、 文本和圖像到 PDF 高保真。

以令人難以置信的豐富的功能和可負擔得起的價格,您可以快速下載 Spire.PDF.net 和毫不費力地在他們的系統中安裝它。此後,您可以在您自己的.NET 應用程式中操作 PDF 文檔中直接引用 Spire.Pdf.dll。


Spire.PDF for .NET is a professional PDF component applied to create, read, write, edit and handle PDF documents without any external dependencies within .NET application. Using Spire.PDF for .NET, you can implement rich capabilities to generate PDF documents from scratch or process existing PDF documents entirely through C#/VB code without installing Adobe Acrobat.

Many features can be supported by this PDF component, such as security setting (including digital signature), PDF text/image/attachment extract, PDF merge/split, metadata update, section and paragraph optimizing, graph/image drawing and inserting, table creation and processing, and importing data etc. Besides, Spire.PDF for .NET can be applied to easily convert HTML, Text, and Image to PDF with high fidelity.

With an incredible wealth of features and affordable price, you can quickly download Spire.PDF for .NET and effortlessly install it in their system. Thereafter, you can reference Spire.Pdf.dll directly in your own .NET application to manipulate PDF documents.

Commonly Used Features and Functionality:
Conversion features
Spire.PDF for .NET supports converting HTML (HTM, ASPX), Text, and Image etc. to PDF documents with efficient performance. Developers can transform these image formats, such JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF, GIF and ICO to PDF format. Furthermore, along with Spire.Doc for .NET, developers can convert Word (Doc/Docx), Excel(Xls/Xlsx), RTF and XML to PDF.
Document Operations features and Forms features
Spire.PDF for .NET offers the facility to merge/split PDF documents and overlay documents. That is to say, users can overlay pages from different PDF documents one over another. Meanwhile, Spire.PDF for .NET can provide import and stamp feature, booklet feature and form filling which can help users read value from form fields and populate a database.
Security features
Spire.PDF for .NET can protect PDF documents by setting passwords and digital signature. User password and owner password can determine the encrypted PDF documents readability, modifiability, printability and other selective restrictions. Meanwhile, digital signature, as a more effective method, can be applied to safeguard and authenticate PDF documents.
Extract features
Spire.PDF for .NET can be used to extract images, text, pages and attachments from a PDF document with great speed and accuracy.
Document Settings features
Document information can be set with Spire.PDF for .NET including custom metadata, document properties, page orientation, and page size. Wherein, document properties consist of document restrictions (printing, document assembly, page extraction, comment etc. allowed or not) and document description about file title, author, subject, keywords and so on. By using Spire.PDF for.NET, viewer preferences can be set with position, title display, resize, page mode and print scaling etc.

More features…
Spire.PDF for .NET can support text formatting, multilingual support, text alignment etc.
It provides pen and brush to draw shape elements, text, images into PDF.
Layers, transparent graphics, color space and barcode creation can render PDF.
PDF/A-1b and PDF/x1a:2001 Compliance, both standards can be applied.
Developers have a great option to add scalar/vector images and mask and place them in designated location.
Table and table style can be supported by Spire.PDF for .NET
Spire.PDF for .NET can be used to insert interactive elements including Annotation, action, JavaScript, attachment, bookmark with specifying place and appearance.

Feature Details




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