RATS 6 時間序列分析軟體



RATS 6 包含了幾個介面的增加,包含更多了控制介面選單、工具列選項和無限次數的"復原/取消復原"功能,並且任何觀看、編輯、繪畫等功能都可以記憶在新的"Series List"視窗和相關的工具列選項中。


"最近使用的文件目錄(most recently used files list)" 讓RATS更容易去重新開啟最近的文件,新的偏好設定讓RATS更容易去控制使用指南的啟動並自動地去下載程式。最後,RATS 6 已經直接結合大多數獨立RATSDATA程式的功能。


New Instructions

Version 6 offers these new instructions

  • DDV: Estimates models with Discrete Dependent Variables, such as logit, probit, multinomial logit and Poisson regressions.


  • GARCH: Estimates univariate and multivariate garch models (much easier to use than the old method of using MAXIMIZE, and much faster as well).


  • GCONTOUR: Creates contour graphs.


  • LDV: Estimates models with Limited Dependent Variables, such as tobits.


  • SSTATS: Computes statistics accumulated over the entries of series.


  • UFORECAST: Forecasts univariate models in a more convenient instruction than FORECAST and STEPS.


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