MathCAD 12 數值符號運算軟體

Scientific Software International (SSI) publishes statistical data analysis software from joreskog, raudenbush, bock, for structural equation modeling, hierarchical linear modeling, item response theory: lisrel, hlm, bilog, parscale, testfact, multilog, auxal, and multivariance for multilevel analysis, mixture models, SEM, path analysis, path diagram, random regression analysis, factor analysis, and item calibration, item parameter, test scoring, and educational assessment in psychometric, sociometric, biometric, and econometric research

What's new in Mathcad 12 

Mathcad 12 brings significant productivity advantages to your product development and engineering design projects. Its new features add mathematical functionality and the flexibility to easily access, share, publish, and present your work.

New Feature Breakdown

Metadata and traceable calculations expand Mathcad worksheet auditability

  • Tag both the document and individual regions with metadata to leave an electronic trail for finding important calculations in the original source document

XML file format stores saved results, providing new capabilities for publishing, collaboration, search, and integration.

  • Save XML files with results, eliminating the need to rerun long calculations

  • Work with Mathcad documents in a tagged, text-based format. Files are easily searched, stored, and referenced by other systems or tools that understand XML

  • XSL transform to XHTML provides a transformation template for converting XMCD files to a robust, browser-ready document format for better customization of HTML pages

  • XSL:FO allows documents to be converted to PDF format

  • XML file format stores all images in compact format, reducing file size for image-intensive worksheets

Built-in units and user-specified default units

  • XML file format lets you set preferences globally

  • 18 new built-in units; built-in availability of all units in all systems; and enhanced, extended simplification rules make units support more functional and easier to use than ever before

  • Define your own default units, so you can work intuitively without performing display conversions by hand.

2D graph options

  • New options include a secondary y axis, so you can plot two or more y values against the same x value, even when they have widely different scales

  • Enhanced legend options

Web controls available for all users

  • List boxes, text boxes, radio buttons, and check boxes let you easily enter and modify worksheet data values without scripting

  • Mathcad documents containing Web controls can be executed online using the Mathcad Application Server

  • Web Controls may be used in place of Mathsoft Controls

New data import wizard

  • Allows you to read a large variety of file formats, preview the data, and select and control the parts of the data you want to analyze

  • New command-line READFILE function encapsulates much of this functionality for use in program loops, including the ability to read in Excel files from a built-in function.

Mathcad 12 can be installed side-by-side with Mathcad 11 on the same system to ease transition from one release to the next.

MathCad 12 電子型錄 



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